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Monday June 16

Problem definition, limitations of current neurotechnology

Chris de Zeeuw (Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam)

Tuesday June 17

Imaging: Ultra-high-field MRI

Louise van der Weerd (Leiden University Medical Center)

Wednesday June 18

Electrophysiology: Intracranial recordings and stimulation in humans

Pieter Kubben (Maastricht University)

Thursday June 19

Imaging: Advances in multi-photon imaging

Dimitrii Tanese (Université Paris Descartes)

Friday June 20

Electrophysiology: New probes for animal models/preclinical

Vasso Giagka and Achilleas Savva (Delft University of Technology)

Monday June 23

Brain writing in humans (FUS/TMS, etc.)

Tulika Nandi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Tuesday June 24

Perturbational approaches in animal models

Jonas Wietek (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)

Wednesday June 25

Closed-loop approaches

Wouter Serdijn (Delft University of Technology)

Thursday June 26

ABC symposium: Disrupting neuroscience and neurology with neurotechnology

Gerben Meynen , Michael Hausser, Boudewijn Lelieveldt, and more