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Who can apply

The School is open to local and international research oriented master students, with students from the Master in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Amsterdam having preference for allocation. Students will be able to take this School for credits (4 ECTS). The official language of the School, including all lectures and activities, will be English.

Fees, application process and deadlines

Students who are enrolled in a Dutch Master's programme will be credited with 4 ECTS upon successful completion of the ABC Summer School. They can participate in the ABC Summer School and join the closing ABC Symposium free of charge. For other EU or non-EU students, or interested others who are not currently enrolled in a Master's programme, a fee of € 399,- applies. This fee covers both the ABC Summer School and the ABC Symposium.

It’s not possible to apply for the Summer School anymore as the maximum capacity is reached.

Registration for the ABC symposium on June 27th is required for people that don’t take part in the summer school.

After admission

Please note: up to 20 hours or preparation for this summer school will be necessary for those without any experience with Python, Pytorch and/or Machine-learning. During this period of preparation we will also provide online support.  An (online) introductory lecture will take place on June 3rd 17:15. Preparation will also entail some background literature.

More detailed information will be provided in the online learning environment Canvas once you are enrolled in the course.

More information about the registration for the ABC symposium can be found here:

Please note: applications are processed in order of submission until the capacity is met.