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The application procedure and entry requirements differ for each summer programme. Programmes are organised by different offices within the UvA, so please head directly to the programme page of your choice and follow the application instructions there.

Step-by-step application guide

  • Step 1: Check the programme list and navigate to the programme page you are interested in.
  • Step 2: Check the deadline, entry requirements and application procedure for your programme by clicking on ‘Application and admission’ in the menu bar. Note that each course has a different application procedure or admissions prompt, so please make sure you follow the instructions closely. 
  • Step 2: Once your application is completed in the online application system, ensure that you fully submit your application. 

Please read the scholarship information carefully to check if you are eligible for a scholarship, and confirm that the course you are applying to is eligible for that scholarship opportunity. If you have scholarship-related questions for a specific programme, please contact the organisors of that summer course directly. You can do this by visiting the programme page for that course.