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  • Contact us

    If you are interested in a specific programme, please select the programme in the list and go to 'contact' in the programme's menu bar. 

    For general questions about summer or winter programmes, you can contact the Summer Programmes Office via email at or call +31 (0)20 525 3776.

    You can also follow us on social media and join our summer community on Instagram & LinkedIn.

  • University Partnerships and Tailor-made Programmes

    If you are interested in promoting our courses internally, are looking to fund students to come to Amsterdam, or would like to explore the possibility of creating a tailor-made programme with us, please get in touch at

    About tailor-made programmes: 
    Are you interested in collaborating on a summer programme in the heart of Amsterdam? With our team's expertise, our dedicated and highly acclaimed faculty, and our state-of-the-art campus, the Summer Programmes Office at the Graduate School of Social Sciences is the ideal partner.

    With over 25 years of experience in making programmes for partner universities around the world, we'll help you create the ideal programme for your students. By providing faculty and staff in consultation, we ensure that students who come to the University of Amsterdam get the best cultural and educational experience to broaden their horizons and make the most of their time in our city. We can help create an entire programme from scratch or facilitate a programme based on your wishes. 

    We offer high quality, short-term study abroad programmes at a reasonable cost. With insider knowledge of the city of Amsterdam and an impressive list of guest speakers and faculty, we have developed programmes that offer a truly authentic Amsterdam experience, and the possibilities are endless. Plan your programme with us and let us arrange classrooms, to lecturers, and housing for your staff and students. We organize everything from public transportation cards to onsite-staff to get you from A to B with a stop at that hidden gem in between.

    We pride ourselves on providing high quality educational programmes. Students return from our facilitated programmes with not only an understanding of Amsterdam but a deeper intellectual understanding of the subject matter they are exploring, and having made life-long friendships.

  • Our Team

    Mirjam Schieveld, MSc | Programme Director

    A Cultural Anthropologist by training, Mirjam grew up in and around Amsterdam. Mirjam is the founder of the Summer Programmes Office, starting with the Summer Institute on Addiction and the Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture & Society over 25 years ago. Mirjam is an alumna of the University of Amsterdam, and has devoted her professional life to the creation and development of academic programmes. Mirjam is a lifelong fan of Amsterdam's football team, Ajax, and a major foodie. Mirjam leads the Summer Programmes Office's year-round team in order to bring quality programmes and experiences to students from across the world.

    Charlotte Luttik, MA | Programme Manager

    Charlotte holds a Masters degree in Cultural History from the University of Utrecht and joined our team in 2018. Over the past few years, she has developed a number of programmes related to topics she's passionate about, including: The Anthropocene: Ecologies, Tensions, Futures; and Key Topics in Urban Studies. Next to programme coordination, Charlotte is responsible for the logistical organisation of all summer programmes, and manages our marketing, partnerships and scholarships. 

    Imran Khalid, MSc | Programme Coordinator

    Imran obtained his Masters degree in Communication Science from the University of Amsterdam, and next to programme coordination, is responsible for maintaining the Summer Programmes Office website. Initially from Glasgow, Scotland, Imran is a musician in his spare time, and is excited to welcome students from across the world to Amsterdam. 

    Eleanor Confrey, MSc | Assistant Programme Coordinator

    Eleanor earned her Masters degree in Communication Science from the University of Amsterdam and grew up in Devon, England. She's looking forward to organising a variety of summer programmes.