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The Research Priority Area (RPA) Real Emotions is offering both full scholarships and a discount for this programme. Please read the details below carefully before submitting an application.
  • The RPA Real Emotions full scholarship for Emotions: An Interdisciplinary Perspective - Applications Closed

    Scholarship description

    • The Research Priority Area (RPA) Real Emotions at the UvA is offering four full scholarships (two for students from within Europe and two for outside of Europe) that will cover the tuition in full. The RPA will also organise and cover travel and housing for the scholarship .
    • This scholarship is specifically awarded for participation in the summer programme Emotions: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.
    • This is primarily a financial needs-based scholarship. Please only apply for this scholarship if you would not be able to raise the funds to join otherwise.
    • The deadline to apply for the scholarship is 1 February.

    How to apply 

    • Download the form linked below. Fill in the form, and once complete, save it as a PDF document and merge it with your programme motivation letter.
    • Start an application via the How to Apply page of the programme. In the application form, please select that you are applying for the RPA full scholarship.
    • Attach the merged document to your application, review, and submit it by 1 February.
    • If your application is not complete, you will not be taken into consideration.
  • The RPA Real Emotions tuition fee discount for Emotions: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

    Scholarship description  

    • The Research Priority Area (RPA) Real Emotions at the UvA is offering €200 tuition fee discounts for those who need it.  

    • This scholarship is specifically awarded for participation in the summer programme Emotions: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.  

    How to apply 

    • When you start your programme application via the How to Apply page, please select that you are applying for the RPA tuition discount. Checking that box will ensure that you are considered for the discount.
    • In your programme motivation letter, please shortly include why you are requesting this support.