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Participants are expected to find their own housing. If the Summer or Winter School has recommended a student hotel or UvA housing, please feel free to make use of it. Follow the instructions given on the School announcement.

Health Insurance 

You are required to have appropriate health insurance for the duration of your stay in the Netherlands. For a diagram that indicates which insurance applies to you, please refer to the 'Healthcare for international students' section in the Insurance checklist  (pdf that you can download here).
Please check before you come to the Netherlands whether your insurance will cover the complete period of your stay abroad, and what type of coverage it consists of.


  • Students from certain countries need an entry visa in order to attend the summer programme. To see what applies to your situation, please see the Student Visa Wizard (link below).
  • For those in need of a visa, you will need to obtain a Schengen or Short Stay Visa (Visum Kort Verblijf). You will not need a (provisional) residence permit since the summer programme is less than 3 months in length.
  • The Summer School Office is able to send a letter so you can apply for a visa.