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The Digital Methods Summer School is organised by the Digital Methods Initiative, one of Europe's leading Internet Studies research groups.

New media research

Comprised of new media researchers and PhD candidates, it designs methods and tools for repurposing online devices and platforms (such as Twitter, Facebook and Google) for research into social and political issues. The Digital Methods Initiative works with non-governmental organisations, activists, journalists and artists alike. The Digital Methods Summer School is self-sustaining. Read the full call for this year’s summer school on the Digital Methods Initiative’s wiki.

Course set-up

In a culture of experimentation and skill-sharing, participants bring their laptops, learn method, undertake research projects, make reports, tools and graphics and write them up on the Digital Methods wiki. Often there are subject matter experts from non-governmental, inter-governmental or other organisations who present their issues and current analytical needs, which inspire the projects participants undertake.

The Summer School is self-catered and meets every weekday in the city centre of Amsterdam, with its abundant coffee houses and lunch places. We start generally at 9:15 in the morning, and end around 5:30. There are morning talks one day per week. On the last Friday we have a festive closing.

Credits and completion certificate

6 ECTS are granted to participants who follow the Summer School programme, and complete a significant contribution to a Summer School project (evidenced by co-authorship of the project reports as well as final (joint) presentations.) Templates for the project report as well as for the presentation slides are supplied. Certificates of completion are also available to all participants.